Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Okay, so this post has nothing to do with me going to Cambridge, but I was thinking about this last night, so I wrote this and now here it is...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Right?  Is it really possible for us as humans to make something good out of something sour?  Because if all you were given were the lemons, isn’t it just lemon juice you are making?  So you’re taking something sour and making it into something else sour.  All you are doing is changing the form of the sour item.  In order to make lemonade, even if you are just making it in the simplest form, you need to add sugar and water in order to make it something you would like to drink.  So in life, if all we do to try to fix a not good or “sour” situation is use our own abilities, we will just change the shape or the consistency of the situation.  Where am I going with this?  Well, that is a good question.  I really honestly do not know.  I am just writing down my thoughts right now and my thoughts are focused on sucky, sour situations.  The obvious destination I will eventually end up is that as humans, when we are given situations, or lemons, we are not capable of doing anything to make something good out of it without being given extra ingredients.  That is obviously where God comes in.  He provides the necessary ingredients to make anything in this world filled with sin any good.  He gave us Jesus, (the sugar) who counteracts the acidity of the lemons or of our sin, and He gave us the Holy Spirit, or the Living Water (in our case of lemonade, the water).  So, next time someone tells you when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, remember, it is not up to you to change that situation because you really cannot do it alone.  Instead, turn to God, because He is really the only One who can turn lemons into delicious lemonade. 

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