Thursday, March 26, 2015


Hi All,

Once again, Soo sorry for the lack of communication!  This is going to be a real quick update.  Today we are cleaning and packing up the house before we leave for Albania in just two short days.  We will be in Albania for about 7 weeks and then Macedonia for about 2 weeks.  We are all very excited to be heading out on this next leg of the adventure.  We have lots of last minute details to sort out as well as some addition prep with skits, testimonies, and so on, so it is quite busy and stressful.  However, we know that God is in control and is with us through it all.  I will not have my computer with me for the next 9 weeks, so I will not be able to update the blog really, unless I am able to find wifi and do little messages on my phone.  However, I do not know the probability of that actually being able to happen, so I will definitely have a lot to share when we return. 

Thank you all once again for your support!  This could not be happening if it was not for all of you!  

With Love,
