Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Well Here It Goes...

Hi Everyone!

     I guess I just need to start writing, otherwise I am just going to continue to stare at this curser blinking on the screen.  To tell you the truth, I really never understood the purpose of blogs because who really thinks that other people actually want to read all about their day or what they have to say.  However, I have been told by many people that I need to start a blog so that people can keep up with what I am doing and where I am going over the next nine months.  Before I go into what it is I am doing, I should rewind and introduce myself to anyone who would potentially be reading this who does not know me.
     My name is Becca Thompson.  I am 23 years old and am just rounding out the year of my quarter life crisis.  Last year at this time (well kind of this time, more like a year and two months ago) I had just called off my wedding.  I did not exactly know what to do with myself, so I quickly applied to and started grad school at Marywood University.  I was so excited to start because I am a nerd and I actually like school.  I would like to say that if I could make a career of going to school, I would just keep getting degrees.  Unfortunately, that is not the case in the real world, so I settled on going to grad school to get my Master's in Social Work.  Luckily for me, since my bachelor's is in Social Work, I was able to cut off half of the program, so I already had twenty-one credits completed before I even stepped foot onto the campus. 
     Everything was going great with my classes!  I loved my classes, and I LOVED my professors!  However, the end of the semester came quickly and it was time to declare our concentrations.  I had NO IDEA what I wanted to concentrate in.  I started evaluating my life and realized that I did not know if I really wanted to have a career in social work.  I started to realize that I loved the idea of being a social worker, but I did not actually love the reality of being a social worker.  So, instead of throwing more money into school, I decided to take a semester off and try out accounting.  Well, I tried it.  That's about it.  The material was easy enough, but lets just say it was BORING!  I am SO not cut out for a job that sits and stares at numbers all day!  So, on my birthday, March 3, I started classes for Real Estate.  For anyone who knows me, that is the ideal job for me!  I have been obsessed with real estate since I was well, I do not even know when I started loving it.  It was before I can remember though.  I took both the required classes, passed the classes and was just about to take the State and National exams, which are required to be passed in order to get your license, when God intervened.  (Do not worry, I did take and pass the exams)
     He woke me up and showed me that for my entire life, I had been living for the glory of Becca Thompson, not for the Glory of the Lord.  Things that once made sense to me, did not make sense anymore.  And things that did not make sense to me, started making sense.  Selling houses just seemed like a waste of time for me at this time when there was so much that God wanted to show me and to teach me.  The funny thing is, He was trying to tell me that all year, but I just refused to listen.  I even remember talking to my mom back in late October about how I really felt like I did not fit in any typical career and that all I wanted to do was to pick up my life and go into missions.  However, it was a good thing I did not do that then because God still had so much to teach me about Himself, about life, and about myself.  Don't get me wrong, I still have so much to learn! 
     Anyway, after a series of events, which I will get into another time, I ended up applying to Youth With a Mission (YWAM) to attend one of their Discipleship Training Schools (DTS).  A DTS is kind of like a training ground to build up and send out future missionaries.  Not everyone who attends and completes a DTS will continue in missions when they finish, which is why the Discipleship Training Schools teach people how to be a Disciple right where you are; whether that is going back to school, back to your career, or back into the mission field.
     YWAM has bases that hold Discipleship Training Schools all over the world.  The base that I ended up applying to is in Cambridge, England.  Each school has the same basic curriculum, however, each is unique in that it will have its own theme or focus.  The DTS I am attending is called, Revival and Reformation.  I do not have any cool God story as to how I selected this particular location.  All I have is the fact that the title Revival and Reformation sounded fascinating to me, so I contacted the leader to get more information.
     With all that being said, I am leaving in (God willing) 19 short days!  Yikes!  I still have so much to do to get ready.  However, I know that God has all of this under control and will take my hand and walk me through it all.  Just in the last week, He has provided left and right by providing a Church willing to help maintain my funds, my job allowing me the day off to run to Philly to attempt to get my Visa in order, having a family friend go through the drive through at work and ask me to send her a fundraising letter, and so much more!  Alright, I guess that is enough to start with.  I will have to add more to fill in the many blanks spaces I left in my story later. 

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