Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Getting Back On My Feet

I cannot tell you how many times I started writing, editing, and then deleting the drafts for my latest blog post.  It is LONG overdue, about 5 months, to be exact.  And simply being realistic, it may not even be one that is read, as I am no longer in “missions” and so I do not have supporters potentially keeping up with the latest of where I am and what I am doing.  I guess that is partially why I did not feel the “need” to post another update to my blog.  However, I do feel that for my own mental health, I need to put something down “on paper” for a sense of closure. 

I am now back in the States.  I have been back going on 6 months now.  It is crazy because it both feels like just yesterday, and forever ago that I was back in Cambridge running around like a mad woman attempting to keep my sanity while planning and overseeing the Gathering.  (I’ll explain what the Gathering is in a bit.)  I think part of why this post has been so difficult for me is because I really did LOVE what I did.  I loved who I worked with.  And even better, I loved who I worked FOR. (That’s the Big Man, Jesus Christ, if you just randomly clicked on this, and it is the first post you are reading.)  To be honest, I did not want any of it to change.  I had such a sinking feeling in my heart as I was packing up to go home.  Ha, honesty hour here, the night before I left, I ducked out of the house for a bit to go on my typical clearing of my head, talking to God walk.  And, I may or may not have been sobbing.  I was so confused.  I had NO IDEA what I was supposed to be doing next, or where I was supposed to be going.  I had FINALLY found a place that I truly felt I could call home.  But my darn Visa was only good for another day, so back to the States I went. 

When I got back to the house that night after my walk, my family, aka my team, had planned one of the meals that I LOVED, during dinner, they all went around the table saying their favorite memory with me, all 17 of them who lived in the houses.  If that was not a way to feel loved, I don’t know what is.  Then they gave me a card, which they all signed, and then my fellow staff gave me an AMAZING Cambridge University sweatshirt so that each time I wore it, I would remember them.  Just typing this up now, makes me miss them and that beautiful city so much. 

The thing was, that I was originally planning on just being back in the States for a few short months, just to raise support for my next year back in Cambridge.  So that goodbye was just supposed to be for a little bit.  (Little did I know, that could have been potentially the last time I would ever be seeing some, if not all of them)  The next morning when my cab arrived most of my team members got up bright and early, even though they did not need to be up for another couple of hours, and said their goodbyes and sent me off.  The time had come.  As I was talking to my cab driver on the way down to Heathrow, I started getting a feeling of peace.  I did not know exactly why I felt that peace, but it was there. 

So, the plane ride home.  Now, typically on the planes, I choose to read a book, or listen to music, or design a house, or even color (Yes, I bring coloring books on planes sometimes) instead of watching the “free” films they have for us to watch to pass the time.  However, this time, I was like you know what, I’m going to watch a movie, and guess what!  The screens in my section of seating on the plane were NOT working.  At first, I was a little frustrated, but then I was like you know what, one of the reasons I love traveling so much is because when you are on the plane, you have nothing else you can actually be doing, so you don’t have to feel guilty for reading a book for pleasure!  So, I pulled out a book that my dear friend gave me the previous night.

While reading this book, that peace that I felt in the cab on the way to the airport came back, but even stronger.  I began feeling that maybe I was supposed to stay in the States for a bit longer than I originally planned.  That thought definitely felt like it was coming from someone else who was not me!  If any of you spoke to me within the past few months of living in Cambridge, you would know that I was so set to live in Cambridge for the rest of my life.  So, the thought of moving back to (random strange town name), Pennsylvania was not even close to the top of my priority list.  I mean sure, I did miss lots of my friends and family back in the States, but the fact that I was thinking about staying there was quite shocking to me.  And seriously, with my love of Cambridge and the people there, how the heck could that thought have been from me?  I totally did not want to move back to the States.

I am a true believer that God orchestrates everything the way He does for a reason.  To this day, I am still trying to figure out why it is that He is having me stay here.  I am not delusional; I do not believe that I am above misunderstanding where God wants me. (which is a whole other post in itself.  I have had lots of thoughts lately about the statement, “where God wants me” or “what God has for me”. But I will get to that later). I do not believe that I understand everything, or that I get everything right, but I do truly believe that I am here in Pennsylvania for a reason.  Unfortunately, I sometimes forget to enjoy the ride that He takes us on along the way.  I need to remember to do so.  This is something that I have been trying to focus on lately.  (As I am sitting outside on a beautiful sunny day, sitting next to my pool)

The world will never be a perfect place.  We will always have pain, we will always have suffering, we will always have loneliness as long as we are on this Earth, so there is no reason to focus on all that negativity and let it ruin us.  We should instead focus on living every day that we have here on this messed up, yet beautiful world to the fullest.  Work hard at your job, do everything you can to succeed at it, but make sure to enjoy life while you are at it.  We are given one chance at this life.  What type of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Do you want to leave behind a legacy of being known for negativity, complaining, laziness, and have everyone remember you as having been a selfish person who lived for themselves? Or, do you want to leave behind a legacy of being known for people not being able to help but be curious about you.  A legacy where people said they had to wonder what the heck it was about you that was different, and where they couldn’t help but want to get to know you?  Obviously, you can probably tell where I am going with this thought, but when you choose to live your life fully surrendered (yet again, another topic for another day) to God, that second, more positive, life tends to occur as a natural response. 

Choosing that life does not mean that you never get sad, hurt, or upset, at all.  In fact, it tends to be a pretty tough life.  It means going against most social norms.  It means choosing to resist things that may be a natural human reaction or response to a situation.  It means “giving up” what once appeared to be an attractive way to live.  However, it is a life that you get to live serving a God, a King, a Creator, who loves you soo unbelievably much that His love for you just shines straight through you and is actually that “difference” that people were “attracted” to and wanted to know more about.  I want to be able to leave that legacy that people knew that I, without wavering, lived my life for Christ. 

Haha funny thing about saying that I want to leave that legacy almost sounds proud, or selfish, or entitled.  It makes it seem that I want it to be all about me, and that I want people to be attracted to ME.  But in fact, when you do actually successfully live that life, you realize and acknowledge that it really does not matter what others actually think of you at all.  And truth be told, it is not necessarily about people being attracted to you, the human.  It is about more and more people being attracted to Jesus.  Man how hard is that?  Anymore in this world we live, with all the social media, and instant, public responses to each thing that you do throughout your day, it is hard to truly live out not caring about what those on this Earth think about you, but rather than what God thinks of you.  Goodness, here I am rambling again.  But hey anymore this is just a blog for me, so well who cares, right?  

So anyways, here I am, half a year later, fumbling through life as us humans do, trying to make sense of my time overseas.  I guess not necessarily make sense of it, but more so digest it.  This has been six of my toughest months in my 25 years of life.  (And there have been quite a few crazy ones)  I am not going to lie, there were times that I just really did not feel like getting up the next day.  There were times when I felt like I wasted almost two years of my life (leading up to, then during my time with YWAM).  And the scariest of all, there were times when I did not believe that God was real.  Even typing that now sends anxiety throughout my body.  It is seriously the scariest thoughts ever to have gone through my mind.  I never again want to feel that way, and I do not wish that upon anyone!

I completely felt like walking away from it all.  I was so done with all of the hypocrisy that came with “Religion” and with the people that make up the Church.  But then, I was reminded that Religion and the Church are both made up of HUMANS.  So, yes, there will definitely be messed up shit in them and all throughout them.  Humans are messed up, screwed up beings.  God however, is bigger than and better than anything humans can destroy.  He is bigger than anything going on in our world.  Heck he made the freaking thing, so He totally has this.  My point?  Well, not too sure, but I guess I’m trying to round out this post, so point being, these past few months in my transition back to the States and the “real world” (aka not living on a missions base) has sucked and been quite difficult.  HOWEVER, I KNOW that this is all working out for some greater purpose, so I can find joy in that.  I know that I am coming out stronger on the other side of this, and I know that God will never let me go.  So, in that, I find Peace. 

Until Next Time Friends. 

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