Thursday, December 25, 2014

My Christmas Challenge

As always, it has been quite a while since I last posted.  I always think about it and all the things I would say when I post, but then I never end up doing it!  My bad.  The funny thing is, I actually really do not mind writing everything down, it is just getting myself to sit still long enough to write a post.  As I am writing this, I am currently laying on the couch in my parents’ home on Christmas day, after being up all night from being sick.  Not exactly the way I planned on spending Christmas morning.  Typically, we are up at the “crack of dawn” (aka 8:00) for our breakfast of pancakes, bacon and sausage.  The one-day every year that all four of us sit down for breakfast together.  Also, the one-day a year mom would bring bacon in the house.  This year I was actually planning on having the bacon too!  Following breakfast, we typically do our gifts as a family of four and part way through the morning, the family from Jersey, and Pennsylvania arrives and it just becomes a great chaotic mess of fun! 

This year is going to be different.  I knew as of yesterday afternoon that it was going to be different.  At first, I was upset because I was going to miss my “traditional Christmas.”  Then within two seconds of thinking that negative thought, another thought popped into my mind.  This is Christmas.  This isn’t about tradition.  It is about celebrating the birth of Christ.  It is about the fact that God, the God of the universe, came down in human form just so that we will be able to have our sins forgiven, so that we can have an amazing relationship with Him (God).  The more I thought about it, the less important the “traditional Christmas” became and the more excited I got about what Christmas really means. 
As I’m sure you all know, I believe that there is one true God.  I believe that He created the world, and His most prized possession in that beautiful creation is us humans.  He created each and every one of us, and He loves ALL of us dearly!  He did not just create us and spend time planning out every detail of who we are just to forget about us.  No, in fact, He created us to have a relationship with us.  When you look at Genesis, before sin entered the world, God spent time with Adam and Eve.  They interacted with each other.  They had a true connection.  Unfortunately, sin did enter the world through choices made by Adam and Eve.  And because God is Holy, sin cannot be near to Him.  It is like oil and water.  They cannot mix.  This broke His heart.  Because of that sin, it became impossible for humans to ever be able to have that true personal relationship with Him, meaning that there was no chance for humans to be able to come live with Him in Heaven.  But because God is love, He could not stand to be apart from His children.  So, here comes the true meaning of Christmas, He sent down His Son to intervene for us!  Jesus came to save us!  He is the true super hero if there ever was one.  Forget Superman, who needs him when you have Jesus!  (No offense if you’re a Superman person!) 
Back in the times of the Old Testament, the first part of the Bible, in order to ask for forgiveness for your sins, people had to sacrifice animals.  That is why you’ll hear us Christians say that Jesus is the Living Sacrifice.  Jesus became that final sacrifice so that we no more had to live under the law of having to sacrifice animals for forgiveness.  We got much more out of the deal than not having to kill animals!  We got that relationship back with God!   The moment Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn in the Tabernacle separating the Holy of Holies where only certain priests could go to commune with God.  That tear in the veil symbolizes us being able to come to God no matter who we are, where we are, or what we want to come to Him about.  That, my friends, is the coolest thing ever! 
Not only are we able to go to Him with anything, because of His death on the cross, we are also able to have the Holy Spirit live and reside within us.  The Holy Spirit is another amazing aspect of God.  He is the link between us here on earth and our Heavenly Father (God).  When the Holy Spirit comes to live within us, we are able to have that connection again with God, like they had in the Garden of Eden.  Not only are we able to talk to God, but He also talks to us through the Holy Spirit!  It is not always, nor is it commonly an audible voice, but it can manifest in many different ways including strong feelings, getting a verse in your mind, or song lyrics in your mind, or having an image come to mind.  All these things are common ways, but not even close to a complete list of ways the Holy Spirit can be used to communicate with us. 
So what all does this have to do with Christmas again?  Well, if it were not for Christmas, none of this would have occurred.  Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Christ!  Since He came as a human, He did have to have an actual birth!  So, it is the start of the greatest man who ever walked the face of the earth’s amazing life.  And it is definitely something to be celebrated!  It should really be the biggest birthday bash you ever celebrate! 
I realized when I was having those thoughts about bumming about missing my “traditional Christmas” that I was celebrating tradition, not the birth of my Savior!  That really hit me hard.  I always would say no, its not about the gifts for me, its about the family time, and everyone getting together!  But, it’s not even about that if you do not take any time at all to celebrate Jesus and what He did for us!  I realized that I had fallen completely into the world of the societal part of Christmas with the Christmas trees, Santa, and gifts.  Now don’t get me wrong, I am not by any means saying that it is a bad thing to join in on the festiveness of the societal part of the holiday.  However, what I am saying is to not be like me in that when that part gets taken away from you, it comes to your attention that you feel like you have nothing more to celebrate.  It should really be the opposite way around, when you take out the Jesus part of Christmas; you have nothing more to celebrate!  Because that is the truth!  So, a challenge for me now is to realign my thinking and really focus on Jesus and what He means to me before anything else in life.  It really helps to de-clutter your life and your train of thought.  So, praise the Lord for forgiveness and for the fact that Christ came down to earth to die on the cross that we may have forgiveness.  I know I sure need it!

Merry Christmas all! 

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